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Pacific Pinball Exposition Tournament Details

September 4, 2011

The rules and details of the Pacific Pinball Exposition Tournaments are now available.  Here’s a quick rundown of what we have planned.  For the full rules, click here.

If you are interested in helping with the tournaments, there is a sign-up sheet here.  Helpers get $20 worth of entries for each 2-hour shift.  Novices will get free entry into the Novice tournament as well as one Open/Classics entry.  Helper entries are transferable to friends/family (i.e. if you are playing in the tournament but your wife/girlfriend works as a scorekeeper, you can use those entries.)

PPE Open:  $10 per qualifying ticket, PAPA-style qualifying, Unlimited re-buys.

Qualifying begins Friday at 2:00pm and end Saturday night at Midnight.

Finals are on Sunday starting at 2:00pm.  Cash prizes will be awarded directly after finals are completed.

Classics Tournament: $10 per qualifying ticket, PAPA-style qualifying, unlimited re-buys.

Qualifying begins Friday at 2:00pm and end Saturday night at Midnight

Finals on Sunday starting at 10:30am.

Novice: $5 entry, no “re-buys”. Players play 4 games 2 times each and the highest score on each game is
recorded. Scores are ranked and points are awarded. The top 12 players will advance to the finals with
top qualifiers given advantage in seeding. Depending on attendance and schedule, the top 16 may

Novice will be on Saturday only.  Register between 10 am and 1:30 PM.  Qualifying ends at 5:30 PM.

Kids: $5 Entry, no “re-buys”.  Kids play 2 games 2 times each, and the highest score on each game is recorded.  Scores are ranked and points are awarded.  Final placing is determined by point totals.

Kids will be on Saturday only.  Kids may enter at any time after 10am, but must complete their games by 5pm.

Pin Tac Toe

Players are organized in 3-player teams.  Play is between teams in a head-to-head, single-elimination format.  Either bring your friends or we can match you up with others to make a team.  The teams select games on the main show floor and challenge the opposing team.  The winner of each game gets to place an X or O on the Pin Tac Toe sheet.  The winner of the match is the team which gets three in a row.  The winning team will advance to challenge other teams.

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